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Becoming an Exhibitor

Promote your product or service at the Edmonton Pet Expo!

THE Pet Focused Event of the Year

The Edmonton Pet Expo delivers you a pre-qualified audience of pet lovers – relational buyers who will become your tribe —your cheerleaders— and drive your word-of-mouth.

Why Pet Owners are Important to You

57% of Canadian households have at least one pet – that’s a staggering 7.5 million households! Almost 90% of Canadians consider their dog or cat part of the family.* They are passionate about their pets, and they are willing to spoil them rotten! Are you going to be one of the businesses that helps them do so?
*According to a 2014 Canadian Pet Market Outlook report

Why the Edmonton Pet Expo

The pet industry is a big, booming business! We can help you forge meaningful relationships with powerful consumers who share your passion for pets. The Edmonton Pet Expo takes the fear and trepidation out of trying new experiences and products – your opportunity for low risk activation. Get face-to-face with them and make them your new clients!

Our Audience

  • A whopping 88% of attendees own at least one pet
  • 63% own dogs. 53% own cats. 22% own reptiles or fish. 7% own birds, ferrets, or rabbits. 7% own “other”
  • 56% want to buy, adopt, or foster this year
  • Nearly a third of these pet owners spend $76 to $150 on their pet each month, 20% spend even more than that!
  • 89% of attendees said they’d come back!

Our Expertise

  • Family Productions Inc. formed in 1993
  • Since 1993, we’ve produced over 90 successful consumer tradeshows
  • As professional trade show producers, we are members of our association, CAEM
  • Since 2005, we’ve done over $11,863,000 worth of media advertising across all of our shows

Fan Favourites

  • Doggie Demo Area – dogsports & more!
  • Expert advice – vet care, food, family fit
  • Family features – Petting Zoo & Pony Rides
  • Pet heroes – Search & Rescue Demos
  • Gathering of the Local Pet Community!

Book your booth space today   Book Now

Are you a rescue or breeder? We have a special application specifically for you. Contact Us today to see if you qualify as a rescue or breeder.

Get to know us

Family Productions Inc. has been celebrating animals by producing the Edmonton Pet Expo for 20 years. Wow – time does fly when you’re having fun! We are a team of pet fanatics – bring an animal —any animal— by our office and watch us all turn to mush! Or watch our team meetings be put on “paws” at the slightest whim of our benevolent overlord Draven, the oh-so handsome lab-akita cross.

We are super proud to have created a spectacular event that furthers the lives of animals through responsible pet ownership. In our over 29 years of tradeshow experience, we have forged amazing relationships with local media, suppliers, and event centres. We are excited to bring our passion and experience to you as our client. Want to creep on us some more? Head to!

To further discuss the benefits of marketing with a consumer tradeshow, and what the Edmonton Pet Expo can do for your business, contact us!

Contact Us