The Alberta Invasive Species Council (AISC) is a not-for-profit society dedicated to informing and educating Albertans about the destructive impacts invasive species have on our environment, economy, and society. Did you know you potentially play a part in introducing invasive species? Often these invasive species are introduced by a seemingly innocent act. It can be as simple as planting a package of “wildflower seeds” that contain varieties not native to the area, or releasing your pet goldfish in a lake. Invasive species, which are plants, animals or other organisms that are not native to the ecosystem in your area and who end up out-competing local species, altering or destroying the ecosystem, disrupting food sources, or introducing parasites and diseases that local populations cannot defend against. It costs Alberta and Canada billions of dollars each year. Visit Alberta Invasive Species Council at the 2023 Edmonton Pet Expo, happening March 11 & 12 at the Edmonton EXPO Centre, to learn more.
Alberta Invasive Species Council – Featured Exhibitor